The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008

The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008
出版社: W. W. Norton
版次: 1
ISBN: 9780393071016
定价: 283.70
装帧: 精装
开本: 16开
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 191页
正文语种: 英语
  • In1999,inTheReturnofDepressionEconomics,PaulKrugmansurveyedtheeconomiccrisesthathadsweptacrossAsiaandLatinAmerica,andpointedoutthatthosecriseswereawarningforallofus:likediseasesthathavebecomeresistanttoantibiotics,theeconomicmaladiesthatcausedtheGreatDepressionweremakingacomeback.Intheyearsthatfollowed,asWallStreetboomedandfinancialwheeler-dealersmadevastprofits,theinternationalcrisesofthe1990sfadedfrommemory.ButnowdepressioneconomicshascometoAmerica:whenthegreathousingbubbleofthemid-2000sburst,theU.S.financialsystemprovedasvulnerableasthoseofdevelopingcountriescaughtupinearliercrisesandareplayofthe1930sseemsalltoopossible.Inthisnew,greatlyupdatededitionofTheReturnofDepressionEconomics,Krugmanshowshowthefailureofregulationtokeeppacewithanincreasinglyout-of-controlfinancialsystemsettheUnitedStates,andtheworldasawhole,upforthegreatestfinancialcrisissincethe1930s.Healsolaysoutthestepsthatmustbetakentocontainthecrisis,andturnaroundaworldeconomyslidingintoadeeprecession.BrilliantlycraftedinKrugman'strademarkstyle--lucid,lively,andsupremelyinformed--thisneweditionofTheReturnofDepressionEconomicswillbecomeaninstantcornerstoneofthedebateoverhowtorespondtothecrisis. Paul Krugman is the recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics. He writes a twice-weekly op-ed column for the New York Times and a blog named for his 2007 book, The Conscience of Liberal. He teaches economics at Princeton University.
  • 内容简介:
  • 作者简介:
    Paul Krugman is the recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics. He writes a twice-weekly op-ed column for the New York Times and a blog named for his 2007 book, The Conscience of Liberal. He teaches economics at Princeton University.
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