The Little Giraffe 英文原版

The Little Giraffe 英文原版
作者: (莱斯莉·西姆斯) , (劳拉·福涅尔)
出版社: Usborne Publishing
版次: 1
ISBN: 9780746085356
定价: 69.70
装帧: 精装
开本: 其他
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 48页
正文语种: 英语
  • AretellingofanAfricanfolktaleabouthowthefirst,littlestgiraffebecametallafterachancemeetingwithawiseoldman.FirstReadingLevel2arerealbooksforbeginnerreadersreadytotacklemorecomplicatedstorylinesandsentencestructures.Includesseveralpagesofreading-relatedpuzzles.PartoftheUsborneReadingProgrammedevelopedwithreadingexpertsattheUniversityofRoehampton.AlsoavailableasanEnglishLearner'sEditionwithCDrecordingsinBritishandAmericanEnglishanddownloadableworksheetsandteacher'snotes.AvailableasebookwithnarrationinBritishEnglish(onlyontabletsthatsupportaudio). lesley is an awsome author and she has written 9999 books. Totally radical dude!
  • 内容简介:
  • 作者简介:
    lesley is an awsome author and she has written 9999 books. Totally radical dude!
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