How to use graphic design to sell things, explain things, make things look better, make people laugh, make people cry, and change the world

How to use graphic design to sell things, explain things, make things look better, make people laugh, make people cry, and  change the world
出版社: Thames & Hudson Ltd
ISBN: 9780500518267
定价: 507.90
装帧: 精装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 320页
  • Thisisamonograph,manualandmanifestobyoneoftheworld'sleadinggraphicdesigners.ProtegeofdesignlegendMassimoVignelliandpartnerintheNewYorkofficeoftheinternationaldesignfirmPentagram,MichaelBieruthashadoneofthemostvariedcareersofanylivinggraphicdesigner.The35projectsBierutpresentsinthisbookillustratethebreadthofactivitythatgraphicdesignencompassestoday,hisgoalbeingtodemonstratenotasingleideology,buttheenthusiasticallyeclecticapproachthathasbeenahallmarkofhiscareer.EachprojectistoldinBierut'sownentertainingvoiceandshownthroughhistoricimages,preliminarydrawings(includingfull-sizereproductionsofthenotebookshehasmaintainedforover30years),workingmodelsandrejectedalternatives,aswellasthefinishedwork.Alongtheway,heprovidesinsightsintothecreativeprocess,hisworkinglife,hisrelationshipwithclients,andthestrugglesthatanydesignprofessionalfacesinbringinginnovativeideastotheworld.Inspiring,informativeandauthoritative,Howto...issettobethebibleofgraphicdesignideas.
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