Data Science for Business:What you need to know about data mining and data-analytic thinking

Data Science for Business:What you need to know about data mining and data-analytic thinking
作者: ,
出版社: O'Reilly Media
版次: 1
ISBN: 9781449361327
定价: 595.00
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 414页
正文语种: 英语
  • WrittenbyrenowneddatascienceexpertsFosterProvostandTomFawcett,DataScienceforBusinessintroducesthefundamentalprinciplesofdatascience,andwalksyouthroughthe"data-analyticthinking"necessaryforextractingusefulknowledgeandbusinessvaluefromthedatayoucollect.Thisguidealsohelpsyouunderstandthemanydata-miningtechniquesinusetoday.BasedonanMBAcourseProvosthastaughtatNewYorkUniversityoverthepasttenyears,DataScienceforBusinessprovidesexamplesofreal-worldbusinessproblemstoillustratetheseprinciples.You’llnotonlylearnhowtoimprovecommunicationbetweenbusinessstakeholdersanddatascientists,butalsohowparticipateintelligentlyinyourcompany’sdatascienceprojects.You’llalsodiscoverhowtothinkdata-analytically,andfullyappreciatehowdatasciencemethodscansupportbusinessdecision-making.Understandhowdatasciencefitsinyourorganization—andhowyoucanuseitforcompetitiveadvantageTreatdataasabusinessassetthatrequirescarefulinvestmentifyou’retogainrealvalueApproachbusinessproblemsdata-analytically,usingthedata-miningprocesstogathergooddatainthemostappropriatewayLearngeneralconceptsforactuallyextractingknowledgefromdataApplydatascienceprincipleswheninterviewingdatasciencejobcandidates FosterProvostisProfessorandNECFacultyFellowattheNYUSternSchoolofBusinesswhereheteachesintheMBA,BusinessAnalytics,andDataScienceprograms.Hisaward-winningresearchisreadandcitedbroadly.Prof.Provosthasco-foundedseveralsuccessfulcompaniesfocusingondatascienceformarketing.

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