Controlling People:How to Recognize, Understand, and Deal with People Who Try to Control You

Controlling People:How to Recognize, Understand, and Deal with People Who Try to Control You
出版社: Adams Media
ISBN: 9781580625692
装帧: 其他
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
  • This timely book not only helps readers free themselves from controlling people but also seeks to explain the occurrence of verbal abuse, battering, stalking, harassment, hate crimes, gang violence, tyranny, terrorism, and territorial invasion.
    What the a
  • 内容简介:
    This timely book not only helps readers free themselves from controlling people but also seeks to explain the occurrence of verbal abuse, battering, stalking, harassment, hate crimes, gang violence, tyranny, terrorism, and territorial invasion.
    What the a
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