Pain, Parties, Work: Sylvia Plath in New York, Summer 1953

Pain, Parties, Work: Sylvia Plath in New York, Summer 1953
出版社: HarperCollins
ISBN: 9780062085559
定价: 149.30
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 304页
正文语种: 英语
丛书: P.S.
  • Pain,Parties,WorkbyElizabethWinderisacompellinglookatayoungSylviaPlathandthelife-changingmonththatwouldlaythegroundworkforherseminalnovel,TheBellJar.InMayof1953,atwenty-one-year-oldPlatharrivedinNewYorkCity,theguesteditorofMademoiselle’sannualCollegeIssue.ShelivedattheBarbizonHotel,attendedtheballet,wenttoaYankeegame,anddancedattheWestSideTennisClub.Shewassupposedtobehavingthetimeofherlife.Butwhatwouldfollowwas,inPlath’swords,twenty-sixdaysofpain,parties,andwork,thatultimatelychangedthecourseofherlife.Thoughtfulandilluminating,featuringlinedrawingsandblack-and-whitephotographs,Pain,Parties,Work:SylviaPlathinNewYork,Summer1953offerswell-researchedinsightsasitintroducesustoSylviaPlath—beforeshebecameoneofthegreatestandmostinfluentialpoetsofthetwentiethcentury. ElizabethWinderisalsotheauthorofapoetrycollection.HerworkhasappearedintheChicagoReview,theAntiochReview,AmericanLetters,andotherpublications.SheisagraduateoftheCollegeofWilliamandMaryandearnedanMFAincreativewritingfromGeorgeMasonUniversity.
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