Harry Potter: A Pop-up Book: Based on the Film Phenomenon

Harry Potter: A Pop-up Book: Based on the Film Phenomenon
作者: ,
出版社: Insight Edition
版次: 1
ISBN: 9781608870080
定价: 298.50
装帧: 精装
开本: 32开
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 12页
正文语种: 英语
  • ThiscollectibleHarryPotterpop-upbook,basedonthecreativedevelopmentofthefilms,featuresexquisiteoriginalartworkbyAndrewWilliamson,conceptartistforalleightmovies.Withdynamicpop-upsanimatingmemorablemomentsandlocationsliketheTriwizardTournament,DiagonAlley,andHogwartsCastleHarryPotter:APop-UpBookoffersa3-Dglimpseintotheamazingworld,asseeninthefilms.ThisdeluxebookwilldelightHarryPotterfanswithdynamicpop-upingenuity,insightsfromthecreativeteamwhoturnedJKRowlingsstoriesintomoviemagic,fascinatingfactsaboutthemagicaluniverseseeninthemovies,andHarryPottermemoriesandmemorabiliapackedintoeverypage. ANDREWWILLIAMSONhasworkedasaleadconceptartistonalloftheHarryPotterfilms,includingtheforthcomingHarryPotterandtheDeathlyHallows:PartIandPartII.TrainedasanarchitectatCambridgeUniversityandcertifiedin1990,heworkedonthenewBritishLibraryatEustonandanumberofcommercialandresidentialprojects.Hisworkhasbeenpublishedinnumerousarchitecturalpublications,TheArtofBatmanBegins(2005),andheiscurrentlydevelopingaseriesofcomicbookprojects.BRUCEFOSTERhasdesignednearly40pop-upbooksforpublishers,museums,andcorporateclients.HispublishingclientsincludeSimon&Schuster;RandomHouse;Little,BrownandCompany;MelcherMedia;Becker&Mayer;Disney-Hyperion;CandlewickPress;DisneyProductions;theMuseumofModernArt;andInsightEditions.BrucehasworkedwithsomeoftodaysleadingillustratorsandartistssuchasChuckFischer,MoWillems,TheCharlesSchultzStudio,MickCoulas,SachikoYoshikawa,MarjoriePriceman(LittleRedRidingHood,Simon&Schuster,2000),andmanymore.
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