Tuesdays with Morrie:An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson

Tuesdays with Morrie:An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
作者: (米奇·阿尔博姆)
出版社: Random House US
版次: 1
ISBN: 9780385496490
定价: 51.20
装帧: 平装
开本: 32开
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 200页
正文语种: 英语
  • Maybeitwasagrandparent,orateacher,oracolleague. Someoneolder,patientandwise,whounderstoodyouwhenyouwereyoungandsearching,helpedyouseetheworldasamoreprofoundplace,gaveyousoundadvicetohelpyoumakeyourwaythroughit.
    Maybe,likeMitch,youlosttrackofthismentorasyoumadeyourway,andtheinsightsfaded,andtheworldseemedcolder. Wouldn'tyouliketoseethatpersonagain,askthebiggerquestionsthatstillhauntyou,receivewisdomforyourbusylifetodaythewayyouoncedidwhenyouwereyounger?
    MitchAlbomhadthatsecondchance. HerediscoveredMorrieinthelastmonthsoftheolderman'slife. Knowinghewasdying,MorrievisitedwithMitchinhisstudyeveryTuesday,justastheyusedtobackincollege. Theirrekindledrelationshipturnedintoonefinal"class":lessonsinhowtolive.

      作者米奇·阿尔博姆是美国著名作家、广播电视主持人,对于他来说,与恩师“相约星期二”的经历不啻为一个重新审视自己、重读人生必修课的机会。这门人生课震撼着作者,也藉由作者的妙笔,感动整个世界。本书在全美各大图书畅销排行榜上停留四年之久,被译成包括中文在内的三十一种文字,成为近年来图书出版业的奇迹。 MitchAlbomisanauthor,playwright,andscreenwriterwhohaswrittensevenbooks,includingtheinternationalbestsellerTuesdayswithMorrie,thebestsellingmemoirofalltime.Hisfirstnovel,TheFivePeopleYouMeetinHeaven,wasaninstant#1NewYorkTimesbestseller,aswereForOneMoreDay,hissecondnovel,andHaveaLittleFaith,hismostrecentworkofnonfiction.AllfourbooksweremadeintoacclaimedTVfilms.AlbomalsoworksasacolumnistandabroadcasterandhasfoundedsevencharitiesinDetroitandHaiti,whereheoperatesanorphanage/mission.Heliveswithhiswife,Janine,inMichigan.

  • 内容简介:
    Maybeitwasagrandparent,orateacher,oracolleague. Someoneolder,patientandwise,whounderstoodyouwhenyouwereyoungandsearching,helpedyouseetheworldasamoreprofoundplace,gaveyousoundadvicetohelpyoumakeyourwaythroughit.
    Maybe,likeMitch,youlosttrackofthismentorasyoumadeyourway,andtheinsightsfaded,andtheworldseemedcolder. Wouldn'tyouliketoseethatpersonagain,askthebiggerquestionsthatstillhauntyou,receivewisdomforyourbusylifetodaythewayyouoncedidwhenyouwereyounger?
    MitchAlbomhadthatsecondchance. HerediscoveredMorrieinthelastmonthsoftheolderman'slife. Knowinghewasdying,MorrievisitedwithMitchinhisstudyeveryTuesday,justastheyusedtobackincollege. Theirrekindledrelationshipturnedintoonefinal"class":lessonsinhowtolive.

  • 作者简介:

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