Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth:The 8 Secrets of How 5,000 Ordinary Americans Became Successful Investors--and How You Can Too

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth:The 8 Secrets of How 5,000 Ordinary Americans Became Successful Investors--and How You Can Too
出版社: HarperCollins US
版次: 1
ISBN: 9780062736864
定价: 136.60
装帧: 平装
开本: 16开
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 336页
正文语种: 英语
  • Howdidasecretary,afirefighter,aretirednavalofficer,ahousewife,aconstructionworker,aschoolteacher,andapharmacistbecomewealthy?BestsellingauthorRicEdelmanhasstudiedthewealth-makinghabitsoftheseand5,000otherordinaryAmericans.Whathefoundisrevealedforthefirsttimeinthisbook:theeightgreatsecretstoattainingwealth.Thisextraordinarybookisfilledwiththeadviceofeverydaypeople--peoplelikeyourownfriendsandneighbors--whoenteredtheworldofpersonalfinance,oftenwithnorealplanatthestart,butwhofoundwaystoaccumulateastonishingamountsofmoney.Arich,irreplaceablelifetimeofwealthbuildingexperienceisnowatyourfingertips.Hereyouwilllearntoarrangeyourfinancesandmakeyourinvestmentdecisionssoyoucanreachyourgoalsandachievefinancialsecurity.Including:Howtoturnyourmortgageintoawealth-enhancingtool;Whysmallinvestmentsworkbetterthanbigones;Howtomaxoutonyouremployer-sponsoredretirementplan;Yourinvestments:whentoholdthemandwhentofoldthem;Financialnews:whentopayattentionandwhentoturnitoff;Plus,ofcourse,much,muchmore.Letyourneighborslendyouahand.AndletRicEdelmanguideyouthroughtheirlessons.Socomealongforaneye-openingjourneywiththousandsofordinaryfolkswhofoundtheirwaytoextraordinarywealth.Fivethousandofyourneighborsfoundhard-wonfinancialsuccessusingthesameeightsecretstoattainingwealth.Thelessonstheylearnedthroughmanyyearsoflifeexperience,andlotsoftrialanderror,cannowbeyours!Afterstudyingthehabitsofthousandsoffinanciallysuccessfulpeople,bestsellingauthorRicEdelmanfoundthattheysharedeightfundamentalmethodsforattainingwealth.Nowyoucanadoptthesesameeightstrategiesyourself.Lettheextraordinaryexperienceofordinaryinvestors--alongwithRicEdelman'sexpertanalysis--helpyoucreateyourownfinancialsuccessstory.BestsellingauthorRicEdelmanhasstudiedthewealth-makinghabitsofthese5,000otherordinaryAmericansandrevealshisfindingsinthisextraordinarybookthatoutlinesineighteasy,practicalstepstosecretstoachievingandmaintainingwealth. RicEdelmanisBarron's#1independentfinancialadvisor,thebestsellingauthorofsevenbooksonpersonalfinance,andhostofTheRicEdelmanShow,heardonradiostationsnationwide.Ric'sfirm,EdelmanFinancialServices,manages$5billioninassetsandhasbeenhelpingpeopleachievefinancialsuccessfortwenty-fiveyears. Introduction

    Secret #1

     They Carry a Mortgage on Their Homes Even Though They Can Afford to Pay it Off.

     In Their Own Words

    Secret #2

     They Don't Diversify the Money They

     Contribute to Their Employer Retirement Plans.Instead, They Put All Their Contributions Into One Asset Class--the One Few Others Choose

     In Their Own Words

    Secret #3

     Most of Their Wealth Came From Investments That Were Purchased for Less than $1,000.

      In Their Own Words

    Secret #4

      They Rarely Move From One Investment to Another

      In Their Words

    Mind Over Money 

      Why Investors Make the Mistakes They Do

    Secret #5

      They Don't Measure Their Success Against the Dow or the S&P 500

      In Their Own Words

    Secret #6

      They Devote Less than Three Hours

      Per Month to Their Personal Finances.And That Includes the Time They Spend Paying Bills. And Budgeting? They Never Bothered

      In Their Own Words

    Secret #7

      Money Management is a Family Affair Involving Their Kids as well as Their Parents

      In Their Own Words

    Secret #8

    In Their Own Words


    About the Author

  • 内容简介:
  • 作者简介:
  • 目录:

    Secret #1

     They Carry a Mortgage on Their Homes Even Though They Can Afford to Pay it Off.

     In Their Own Words

    Secret #2

     They Don't Diversify the Money They

     Contribute to Their Employer Retirement Plans.Instead, They Put All Their Contributions Into One Asset Class--the One Few Others Choose

     In Their Own Words

    Secret #3

     Most of Their Wealth Came From Investments That Were Purchased for Less than $1,000.

      In Their Own Words

    Secret #4

      They Rarely Move From One Investment to Another

      In Their Words

    Mind Over Money 

      Why Investors Make the Mistakes They Do

    Secret #5

      They Don't Measure Their Success Against the Dow or the S&P 500

      In Their Own Words

    Secret #6

      They Devote Less than Three Hours

      Per Month to Their Personal Finances.And That Includes the Time They Spend Paying Bills. And Budgeting? They Never Bothered

      In Their Own Words

    Secret #7

      Money Management is a Family Affair Involving Their Kids as well as Their Parents

      In Their Own Words

    Secret #8

    In Their Own Words


    About the Author

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