111 Places In Provence That You Must Not Miss

111 Places In Provence That You Must Not Miss
ISBN: 9783954514229
定价: 183.30
装帧: 其他
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 240页
  • 111PlacesinProvence-farfromWhiteHorsesandFieldsofLavender-Naturaliceboxes,mysticaldragons,andcubisticvillas-Ruinedvillages,crocodiles,andsaltmines-111placesfullofsurprisesevenforProvenceconnoisseursThePapalpalaceisfamiliar.ButwhowouldimaginefindinganinterneescampormilestonesofmodernarchitectureinProvence?DidyouknowthatoneofthebiggestandmostbeautifulFrenchbookstoresisinahamletwith1,000inhabitants?WhoknowsthehouseinwhichMaxErnstlivedbeforehewentintoexile?Whoknowswhereyoucanbuysalamisbythemeter,andwheretheworld'sdeepestkarstspringcanbefound?Farfromthetypicalclichés,thisbookshowsunknownnichesinProvence-111surpriseslargeandsmallthattellstoriesandrevealtheextraordinary.
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111 Places In Provence That You Must Not Miss
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111个儿童哲学思考练习 Notebook of philosophical exercises:111exercises to practice thinking
[法]奥斯卡·柏尼菲 著;杨落娃 译;[法]伊莎贝尔·米隆
111 Places In Provence That You Must Not Miss
111 Coffee Shops In London That You Must Not Miss
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111 Places In Provence That You Must Not Miss
111 Shops In Los Angeles That You Must Not Miss: Unique Finds And Local Treasures
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生活新实用编辑部 编著;凤凰含章 出品
111 Places In Provence That You Must Not Miss
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111 Places In Provence That You Must Not Miss