One Man's Folly: The Exceptional Houses of Furlo

One Man's Folly: The Exceptional Houses of Furlo
作者: , ,
ISBN: 9780847842520
定价: 512.40
装帧: 精装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 224页
正文语种: 英语
  • ThisSoutherngentleman'sbelovedpropertyinbucolicAmericus,Georgia,hasabsorbedhimforoversixdecades.Itconsistsoffourintimatedwellingsthatexemplifyvarioussouthernarchitecturaltraditions-fromamid-nineteenth-centuryGothictoaPalladian-inspiredcottage-charminggardens,andoutbuildings.Gatewoodshareshispersonalreflectionsonhowhehascreatedauniqueworldforhimselftailoredtohisrefinedsensibility.Capturedinthoughtfulphotographs,hisseductivespacesillustratearelaxedArcadianstyle.Gatewooddescribesthehuntfordiscoveringsingularantiqueandvintagepieceswithapoeticpatina.Heisanexpertoncustompaintfinishesandcomposingsubtlecolourpalettes,andhasaninnatetalentforincorporatingarrestingarchitecturalelements.Withflair,hehascollectedart,antiquefurnishings,anddecorativeobjects,whichareartfullydisplayedinthebeautifullyappointeddwellings.Gatewoodrespectstheimportanceofoldworldcraftsmanshipandarchitecturalrestoration,andtakesdelightindesigningpicturesquegroundsandplantings,aswellascreatingcomfyareasforhisbeloveddogsandpeacocks.Hisclosefriend,BunnyWilliams,hascontributedasectionaboutthelessonsshehaslearnedfromthismasterofdiscernment. Writer Julia Reed is a contributing editor to Garden & Gun and has authored several books. Bunny Williams is an acclaimed designer and author. Lifestyle photographer Paul Costello's work appears in many publications. Rodney Collins is a regional architectural photographer.,,,,,
  • 内容简介:
  • 作者简介:
    Writer Julia Reed is a contributing editor to Garden & Gun and has authored several books. Bunny Williams is an acclaimed designer and author. Lifestyle photographer Paul Costello's work appears in many publications. Rodney Collins is a regional architectural photographer.,,,,,
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