Remembering the University of Chicago:Teachers, Scientists, and Scholars (Centennial Publications of The University of Chicago Press)

Remembering the University of Chicago:Teachers, Scientists, and Scholars (Centennial Publications of The University of Chicago Press)
作者: (EDT) ,
ISBN: 9780226753355
装帧: 精装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
  • To celebrate the intellectual achievement of the University of Chicago on the occasion of its centennial year, Edward Shils invited a group of notable scholars and scientists to reflect upon some of their own teachers and colleagues at the University. 

  • 内容简介:
    To celebrate the intellectual achievement of the University of Chicago on the occasion of its centennial year, Edward Shils invited a group of notable scholars and scientists to reflect upon some of their own teachers and colleagues at the University. 

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