Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead

Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead
出版社: Orion
版次: 1
ISBN: 9781444792362
定价: 183.40
装帧: 平装
开本: 16开
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 416页
正文语种: 英语
  • Googlereceivesover1,500,000uniqueapplicationsforjobseveryyear.Thisbookshowsyouwhy.*Howtolearnfromyourbestemployees-andyourworst*Whyyoushouldonlyhirepeoplewhoaresmarterthanyouare*Takeawaymanagers'powersoveremployees*Andwhynottotrustyourgutinstinct'Wespendmoretimeworkingthandoinganythingelseinlife.It'snotrightthattheexperienceshouldbesodemotivatinganddehumanizing.'SosaysLaszloBock,visionaryheadofPeopleOperationsatthecompanythattransformedhowtheworldinteractswithknowledge:thisinsightistheheartofhisbrilliantfirstbook.Acompellingmanifestowiththepotentialtochangehowweworkandlive,WorkRules!offersbothanewphilosophyofthenewworldofworkandablueprintforattractingthemostspectaculartalentandensuringthebrightestandbestprosper.Yourworkplaceandhowyoutreatyouremployeeshasahugeeffectonyoursuccess.Intwelvevividchapters,Bocklaysoutaseriesofsurprisinglessonsfromarangeofindustries-fromhouseholdnamestolittle-knowninnovators.Healsotakesusinsideoneofhistory'smostexplosivelysuccessfulbusinessestorevealwhyGoogleisconsistentlyratedoneofthebestplacestoworkintheworld.Hisyearsofexperiencearedistilledintoaseriesofentertainingprinciplesthatareeasytoputintoaction,whetheryou'reateamofoneorateamofthousands.WorkRules!showshowtostrikeabalancebetweencreativityandstructure,leadingtosuccessyoucanmeasureinqualityoflifeaswellasmarketshare.Readittobuildabettercompanyfromwithinratherthanfromabove;readittoreawakenyourjoyinwhatyoudo.Thewayweworkischanging-areyou?   Laszlo Bock leads Google's people function, which includes all areas related to the attraction, development, and retention of 'Googlers', of which there are more than 50,000 in seventy offices worldwide. His revolutionary methods have transformed how Silicon Valley harnesses the greatest talent on the planet. During his tenure, Google has been recognized over 100 times as an exceptional employer, including being named the #1 Best Company to work for in the US and sixteen other countries. Laszlo has advised President Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board and the Office of Personnel Management, and been featured in The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, PBS Newshourand on the Today Show.

  • 内容简介:
  • 作者简介:
      Laszlo Bock leads Google's people function, which includes all areas related to the attraction, development, and retention of 'Googlers', of which there are more than 50,000 in seventy offices worldwide. His revolutionary methods have transformed how Silicon Valley harnesses the greatest talent on the planet. During his tenure, Google has been recognized over 100 times as an exceptional employer, including being named the #1 Best Company to work for in the US and sixteen other countries. Laszlo has advised President Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board and the Office of Personnel Management, and been featured in The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, PBS Newshourand on the Today Show.

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