Floating World: Allusions to Poems by Japanese Women of the 7th - 20th Centuries

Floating World: Allusions to Poems by Japanese Women of the 7th - 20th Centuries
作者: ,
出版社: Hudson Hills Press
ISBN: 9781555953805
定价: 580.80
装帧: 精装
页数: 144页
正文语种: 英语
  • This publication presents the twofold artistry of photographer and poet Brigitte Carnochan; her stunning photographs are coupled with beautifully crafted poems, all by women.
  • 内容简介:
    This publication presents the twofold artistry of photographer and poet Brigitte Carnochan; her stunning photographs are coupled with beautifully crafted poems, all by women.
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Floating World: Allusions to Poems by Japanese Women of the 7th - 20th Centuries
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Floating World: Allusions to Poems by Japanese Women of the 7th - 20th Centuries
零基础法语入门绘本 小小法语
Brian Chan
Floating World: Allusions to Poems by Japanese Women of the 7th - 20th Centuries
Britta Teckentrup
Floating World: Allusions to Poems by Japanese Women of the 7th - 20th Centuries
Britta Teckentrup
Floating World: Allusions to Poems by Japanese Women of the 7th - 20th Centuries
Britta Teckentrup
Floating World: Allusions to Poems by Japanese Women of the 7th - 20th Centuries
Britta Teckentrup
Floating World: Allusions to Poems by Japanese Women of the 7th - 20th Centuries
Brickell(克里斯托夫·布里克尔) 著;[英]Christopher、王晨、马洪峥 译
Floating World: Allusions to Poems by Japanese Women of the 7th - 20th Centuries
Brikman(叶夫根尼・布里克曼) 著;[美]Yevgeniy、白宇 译
Floating World: Allusions to Poems by Japanese Women of the 7th - 20th Centuries
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Floating World: Allusions to Poems by Japanese Women of the 7th - 20th Centuries
Three Types of Solitude
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Floating World: Allusions to Poems by Japanese Women of the 7th - 20th Centuries
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Floating World: Allusions to Poems by Japanese Women of the 7th - 20th Centuries
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Floating World: Allusions to Poems by Japanese Women of the 7th - 20th Centuries
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