One Day the Soldiers Came Voices of Children in War

One Day the Soldiers Came Voices of Children in War
作者: , (Foreword)
出版社: HarperCollins US
ISBN: 9780061240478
定价: 139.60
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 304页
正文语种: 英语
丛书: P.S.
  • Today,inviolence-tornregionsacrosstheglobe,20millionchildrenhavebeenuprooted,orphaned,orinjuredbywar,famine,andpoverty.Thisistheirstory...andours.Inthispowerfulandunforgettablebook—byturnspainful,funny,terrifying,andtriumphant—CharlesLondontakesusintotheworldofrefugeechildren,celebratingtheiruniqueskillsforsurvivalandreflection.Theirremarkablestoriesanddrawingschillthebloodandtouchtheheart,offeringanindelible,firsthandportraitofthewarthatragesbeyondtheheadlines. CharlesLondonisaformerresearchassociatewithRefugeesInternationalanddirectorofcurriculumforWarKidsRelief,apeace-buildingorganization.Heisthe1999winneroftheRollingStoneCollegeJournalismAward,andhisworkhasappearedintheNewYorkTimesMagazine,O,TheOprahMagazine,andothernationalpublications.Hehasbeenayoung-adultlibrarianfortheNewYorkPublicLibraryandistheauthorofOneDaytheSoldiersCame:VoicesofChildreninWar.HelivesinNewYorkCity.
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