Great People Decisions: Why They Matter So Much Why They are So Hard and How You Can Master Them

Great People Decisions: Why They Matter So Much Why They are So Hard and How You Can Master Them
作者: (克劳迪奥·福南德斯)
出版社: Wiley
版次: 1
ISBN: 9780470037263
定价: 445.20
装帧: 精装
开本: 16开
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 352页
正文语种: 英语
  • Greatorganizationsaremadeupofgreatpeople.Andforleadersatalllevelswithinthoseorganizations,theabilitytofind,hire,integrate,andretaingreatpeopleisanabsolutelycriticalskill—criticaltotheirorganization'ssuccess,andcriticaltotheirownsuccess.

    Butformostpeople,makinggreatappointmentsisdifficult,time-consuming,andevenscary.Fewhavereceivedanyformaltraininginit,andthereareveryfewresourcesavailabletomakeupforthatlackoftraining.Thisbookfillsthatgap.Itprovidestheconceptualbackgroundandthepractical,everydaytoolsneededtomakeconsistentlysuccessfulhiringdecisions.GreatPeopleDecisionsisacomprehensiveresourceformanagerswhowanttoimprovetheirpersonalcompetenceathiringandpromotingpeople,andalsoforstudentsinterestedinthefield.Yes,hiringisdifficult,butitisn'tamystery.It'sadisciplinethatyoucanmaster—tohelpyourorganization,andtohelpyourself. ClaudioFernández-Aráozisoneofthetopglobalexpertsonhiringandpromotiondecisions.HewasrepeatedlychosenbyBusinessWeekasoneofthemostinfluentialsearchconsultantsintheworld.

    HeisafrequentkeynotespeakeratbusinessgatheringsintheAmericas,EuropeandAsia,aswellasatleadingbusinessschools.HispersonaladvicehasbeensoughtbytheCEOsofseveralofthelargestcompaniesonearth,aswellasbymanyprogressivegovernments. Introduction. The make-or-break choice. 

    Chapter 1. Great people decisions: a resource for you.. 

    Chapter 2. Great people decisions: a resource for yourorganization. 

    Chapter 3. Why great people decisions are so hard. 

    Chapter 4. Knowing when a change is needed. 

    Chapter 5. What to look for. 

    Chapter 6. Where to look: inside and out. 

    Chapter 7. How to appraise people. 

    Chapter 8. How to attract and motivate the bestpeople. 

    Chapter 9. How to integrate the best people. 

    Chapter 10. The bigger picture. 

    Appendix A. The Value of Investing in PeopleDecisions. 

    Appendix B. Selected Bibliography on AssessmentMethods. 



  • 内容简介:

  • 作者简介:

  • 目录:
    Introduction. The make-or-break choice. 

    Chapter 1. Great people decisions: a resource for you.. 

    Chapter 2. Great people decisions: a resource for yourorganization. 

    Chapter 3. Why great people decisions are so hard. 

    Chapter 4. Knowing when a change is needed. 

    Chapter 5. What to look for. 

    Chapter 6. Where to look: inside and out. 

    Chapter 7. How to appraise people. 

    Chapter 8. How to attract and motivate the bestpeople. 

    Chapter 9. How to integrate the best people. 

    Chapter 10. The bigger picture. 

    Appendix A. The Value of Investing in PeopleDecisions. 

    Appendix B. Selected Bibliography on AssessmentMethods. 



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