Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (Anniversary Edition)棕熊,棕熊,你看到了什么? 英文原版

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (Anniversary Edition)棕熊,棕熊,你看到了什么? 英文原版
作者: (艾瑞·卡尔)
出版社: Penguin
版次: 1
ISBN: 9780141501598
定价: 102.00
装帧: 平装
开本: 24开
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 32页
正文语种: 英语
  • Exuberantly coloured artwork and favourite animals make this rhythmic story the perfect introduction to looking and learning about colours. Each spread leads seamlessly into the next and young children will delight in Eric's colourful collage animals and simple repetitive language. EricCarleistheauthorandillustratorofmorethanseventybooksforchildren,manyofthembestsellers.BorninSyracuse,NewYork,hemovedtoGermanywithhisparentswhenhewassixyearsold.HestudiedattheAcademyofGraphicArtsinStuttgartbeforereturningtotheUnitedStates,whereheworkedasagraphicdesignerforTheNewYorkTimesandlaterasartdirectorforaninternationaladvertisingagency.Hisfirsttwobooks,1,2,3totheZooandTheVeryHungryCaterpillar,gainedhimimmediateinternationalrecognition.Thelattertitle,nowconsideredamodernclassic,hassoldmorethan30millioncopiesandhasbeentranslatedintoforty-eightlanguages.EricCarleandhiswife,Barbara,dividetheirtimebetweenthemountainsofNorthCarolinaandtheFloridaKeys.

  • 内容简介:
    Exuberantly coloured artwork and favourite animals make this rhythmic story the perfect introduction to looking and learning about colours. Each spread leads seamlessly into the next and young children will delight in Eric's colourful collage animals and simple repetitive language.
  • 作者简介:

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