A Bounty of Bead & Wire: Earrings: 50 Fun, Fast Jewelry Projects

A Bounty of Bead & Wire: Earrings: 50 Fun, Fast Jewelry Projects
出版社: Lark Crafts
ISBN: 9781454700180
定价: 146.50
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 144页
正文语种: 英语
  • Thiscomplete,step-by-stepprojectbookformaking50beautifullysimpleearringswillappealtojewelersandcrafterswithcreativeambitions!Thisisa"bestof"collectionandagreatvalue,takingthebestprojectsanddesignsfromanarrayofLarkJewelry&Beading'smostpopularbooks.Beginnerswillappreciatethedetailedsectiononbasics,whileexperiencedjewelrymakerswillrelishthesophisticateddesigns.FromsaucyRedLanternearringsmadewithbrassandredglassfire-polishedbeadstotheelegantTwist,featuringsinglepearlscagedinsilverwire,thesestylish,easy-to-masterearringprojectsarelotsoffuntomake,share,andwear! NathalieMornuisaneditorforLarkJewelry&Beading,atalentedcrafterherself,?andtheauthorofAIsforApron(2008),QuiltItwithWool(2009),LeatherJewelry(2010),andmanyotherbooks.ShelivesinAsheville,NorthCarolina.
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