The Book of Laughter and Forgetting

The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
作者: (米兰·昆德拉)
出版社: HarperCollins US
ISBN: 9780060932145
定价: 136.60
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 320页
正文语种: 英语
  • CommissionedandcloselymonitoredbyMilanKunderahimself,thisnewtranslationbringsaclarityandunmatchedfidelitytotheauthor'soriginaltext.Widelyheldasaworkofgenius,TheBookofLaughterandForgettingisthenovelthatfirstbroughthimtotheforefrontoftheinternationalliteraryscene.Richinstories,charactersandimaginativerange,itwaswrittenwhileKunderawasstillforbiddentopublishinhishomecountryofCzechoslovakia,whichwasthenbehindtheIronCurtain.Insevenwonderfullyintegratedparts,differentaspectsofmodernexistence--fromtheposthumouserasureofenemiesofcommunismfromthehistoricalrecord,tothesubtleagonyofthefadingmemoryofalostlove,tothebizarresexlessnesofmodernpromiscuity--areexploredwithboldness,subversivehumorandthemagicalpoweroffiction.

     这是一部关于笑和忘的小说,关于遗忘和布拉格,关于布拉格和天使们。 TheFranco-CzechnovelistandcriticMilanKunderawasborninBrnoandhaslivedinFrance,hissecondhomeland,since1975.HeistheauthorofthenovelsTheJoke,FarewellWaltz,LifeIsElsewhere,TheBookofLaughterandForgetting,TheUnbearableLightnessofBeing,andImmortality,andtheshort-storycollectionLaughableLoves—alloriginallywritteninCzech.Hismostrecentnovels,Slowness,Identity,andIgnorance,aswellashisnonfictionworksTheArtoftheNovel,TestamentsBetrayed,TheCurtain,andEncounter,wereoriginallywritteninFrench.

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