The Emotional Toolkit: Seven Power-Skills to Nail Your Bad Feelings

The Emotional Toolkit: Seven Power-Skills to Nail Your Bad Feelings
ISBN: 9780312318888
定价: 181.80
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 297页
正文语种: 英语
  • FromJoy,Love,AndExhilaration,ToSadness,Anger,AndAnxiety,AWomanCan'TAlwaysChangeWhatHappensInHerLife,ButSheCanAlterTheWaySheRespondsEmotionally.DarleneMininniProvidesTechniquesToIdentifyAndChangeTroublingFeelings.SheCoversSevenProven"Tools"ToDecreaseTheIntensityAndDurationOfUnpleasantMoods:ThoughtShifting;ThePowerOfQuiet(Meditation);FindingYourVoice(Communication);PuttingItOnPaper(EmotionalWriting);Movement,ThePowerOfConnection;AndReachingOut,ReachingIn(Therapy).MininniShowsWomenHowToPersonalizeTheirEmotionalToolkitsByUsingTheToolsThatWorkBestForThemAndTheirEmotions.
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