Engaging the Enemy

Engaging the Enemy
作者: (伊丽莎白·穆恩)
出版社: Random House
ISBN: 9780345447579
定价: 59.80
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 416页
正文语种: 英语
丛书: Vatta's War
  • Forfansoffast-pacedadventureandcompellingcharacters,themilitarysciencefictionofNebulaAward--winningauthorElizabethMoonistheperfectchoice.ThebrilliantlyunorthodoxKylaraVatta,black-sheepscionofVattaTransportLtd.,oneofthegalaxy'swealthiestmerchanthouses,isaheroinelikenoother,blessedwithakillerinstinctforbusinessandforbattle.Now,intheaftermathofcold-bloodedassassinationsthathaveleftherparentsdeadandtheVattashippingempireshattered,Kylarafaceshergreatestchallengeyet.Thereisatimeforgriefandatimeforrevenge.Thisisdecidedlythelatter.PlacinghercousinStellaincommandofthetradingvesselGaryTobai,KyembarksaboardthecapturedpirateshipFairKaleenonatwofoldmission:tosalvagethefamilybusinessandtopunishthoseresponsibleforthekillings...beforetheystrikeagain.Sincethenetworkprovidinginstantaneouscommunicationbetweenstarsystemshasbeensabotaged,newsishardtocomebyandavailableinformationimpossibletotrust.Butasshetravelsfromsystemtosystem,withStellaastepbehind,Kypiecestogetherthecluesanddiscoversaconspiracyofterrifyingscope,breathtakingaudacity,andutterruthlessness.Theonlyhopetheindependentsystemsandmerchantshaveagainstthispowerfulenemyistobandtogether.Unfortunately,becauseshecommandsashipknowntobelongtoanotoriouspirate-herownrelativeOsmanVatta,whomshekilledforhispartinherparents'deaths-Kyismetwithsuspicion,ifnotoutrighthostility.Rumorsswirlaboutherintent,herveryidentity.SoonevenStellabeginstoquestionhercousin'sdecisionsandherauthoritytomakethem.Meanwhile,theconspiracyKyhuntsishuntingherinturn,withagentsinsinuatedintoeveryspacestation,everyplanetarygovernment,everyarmofthemilitary,andeverymerchanthouse-includingherown.Beforeshecantakethefighttotheenemy,Kylaramustsurviveadeadlyminefieldofdeceptionandbetrayal. Elizabeth Moon is the author of many novels, including Marque and Reprisal, Trading in Danger, Nebula Award/x7fwinner The Speed of Dark, Against the Odds, Change of Command, and Remnant Population, a Hugo Award finalist. After earning a degree in history from Rice University, she spent three years in the Marine Corps, then earned a degree in biology from the University of Texas, Austin. She lives in Florence, Texas.

    From the Hardcover edition.,,
  • 内容简介:
  • 作者简介:
    Elizabeth Moon is the author of many novels, including Marque and Reprisal, Trading in Danger, Nebula Award/x7fwinner The Speed of Dark, Against the Odds, Change of Command, and Remnant Population, a Hugo Award finalist. After earning a degree in history from Rice University, she spent three years in the Marine Corps, then earned a degree in biology from the University of Texas, Austin. She lives in Florence, Texas.

    From the Hardcover edition.,,
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