Dancing The Dream

Dancing The Dream
作者: (迈克尔·杰克逊)
版次: 1
ISBN: 9780385403689
定价: 150.00
装帧: 精装
开本: 大16开
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 160页
正文语种: 英语
  • ThisisreissueofMichaelJackson'ssecondbook,firstpublishedin1992.'PeopleaskmehowImakemusic.ItellthemIjuststepintoit.It'slikesteppingintoariverandjoiningtheflow.Everymomentintheriverhasitssong.So,Istayinthemomentandlisten'-MichaelJackson(1958-2009).DancingtheDreamisoneman'shauntinglybeautiful,provocativelypersonalviewoftheworldaroundus,andtheuniversewithineachofus.Whetherhisproseandpoetryfocusedoncreativity,thepeoplethatsurroundedhim,ortheplightofthenobleelephant,hisobservationsandconcernsallillustratedhisbeliefthattrust,loveandfaitharethefoundationstonesforalifewelllived.ContainingMichaelJackson'spersonalwritingsandoveronehundredgloriousphotographs,drawings,andpaintingsfromhisowncollection,thisbookisamusthaveforallfansofanincredible,inspiringmanwhodiedashelived-dancinghisdream.ThistitleissuitableformillionsofMichaelJacksonfans. michael jackson
  • 内容简介:
  • 作者简介:
    michael jackson
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