The Fear of Freedom[自由的恐惧]

The Fear of Freedom[自由的恐惧]
作者: (埃里希-弗洛姆)
版次: 2
ISBN: 9780415253888
定价: 178.20
装帧: 平装
开本: 32开
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 272页
正文语种: 英语
丛书: Routledge
  • Frommseesrighttotheheartofourcontradictoryneedsforcommunityandforfreedomlikenootherwriterbeforeorsince.InFearofFreedom,Frommwarnsthatthepriceofcommunityisindeedhigh,anditistheindividualwhopays. ErichFromm(1900-1980)Psychoanalystandauthor,Frommisarguablyoneofthemostoutstandingfiguresof20thCenturyhumanism. FOREWORD

    1  Freedom-A Psychological Problem?

    2  The Emergence of'the Individual and the Ambiguity of Freedom

    3  Freedom in the Age ofthe Reformation Medieval Background and the Renaissance

    2  The Period of the Reformation

    4  The Two Aspects of'Freedom For Modern Man

    5  Mechanisms of Escape

     1  Authoritarianism

     2  Destructiveness

     3  Automaton Conformity

    6  Psychology oFNazism

    7  Freedom and Democracy

     1  The Illusion of Individuality

     2  Freedom and Spontaneity


  • 内容简介:
  • 作者简介:
  • 目录:

    1  Freedom-A Psychological Problem?

    2  The Emergence of'the Individual and the Ambiguity of Freedom

    3  Freedom in the Age ofthe Reformation Medieval Background and the Renaissance

    2  The Period of the Reformation

    4  The Two Aspects of'Freedom For Modern Man

    5  Mechanisms of Escape

     1  Authoritarianism

     2  Destructiveness

     3  Automaton Conformity

    6  Psychology oFNazism

    7  Freedom and Democracy

     1  The Illusion of Individuality

     2  Freedom and Spontaneity


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