My Weird School Special: Deck the Halls, We're Off the Walls!

My Weird School Special: Deck the Halls, We're Off the Walls!
作者: (丹·古特曼) , (吉姆·佩洛特)
出版社: HarperCollins
ISBN: 9780062206824
定价: 50.00
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 144页
正文语种: 英语
  • A.J.andthegangfromMyWeirdSchoolstarinthisseriesofafter-school,holiday-themedchapterbooksfeaturingbrand-newhilariousstoriesandthirty-twopagesofgames,puzzles,andmore.It'sChristmas,andyouknowwhatthatmeans!SantaClausiscomingtotown!Oratleasttothelocalmall.ButwhathappenswhenkidrapperCray-ZgivesaChristmasconcertatthesamemallandallhisfansgobananas?Onething'sforsure—ifA.J.andhisfriendsfromEllaMentrySchoolwanttosavetheday,theywillneedaChristmasmiracle.BestsellingauthorDanGutmanbringshiswacky,kid-friendlysenseofhumortothisall-newseriesofholidayadventures.WithMyWeirdSchooltriviaandChristmas-themedfactsandpuzzles,thisisoneweirdChristmasspecialyoudon'twanttomiss! DanGutmanistheauthorofmanyfantasticbooksforyoungreaders.BesideshispopularBaseballCardAdven-turesandMyWeirdSchoolseries,hehaswrittenaboutsoccer,basketball,bowling,andaliens.Whenheisnotwritingbooks,Danisveryoftenvisitingaschool.Thankstohismanyfanswhovotedintheirclassrooms,hehasreceivedfifteenstatebookawardsandthirty-sevenbookawardnominations.DanlivesinHaddonfield,NewJersey,withhiswife,Nina,andtheirtwochildren,SamandEmma.

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