Star Wars Complete Visual Dictionary

Star Wars Complete Visual Dictionary
出版社: Dorling Kindersley
ISBN: 9781409374916
定价: 288.00
装帧: 精装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 10页
正文语种: 英语
丛书: Star Wars
  • Inauniversefar,faraway,thedefinitiveguideto"StarWars"wascreated.Thisstunningreissueoftheclassic"StarWars:TheCompleteVisualDictionary"hasbeenbroughtuptowarpspeedinto2012,the35thanniversaryofthereleaseof"StarWars:ANewHope",andtocelebratethereleaseofallsixfilmsina3DformatthatwouldimpressYoda.Onceagain,we'vestorm-troopedourwayaroundLucasfilmtogettheinsideandthedarksideofallsix"StarWars"films,includingincrediblebehind-the-scenesstories.Meetandgreeteverycharacter,droid,creatureandalienfromObi-Wan,toHanSolo,fromtheArenaBeaststoJabba-The-Hutt(andhisentourage).Exploreeverystarshipandgetupclosetoamultitudeofweaponsinthisstellarguide.Traveltoeveryplanet,fromCoruscanttoMustafar,andtakealookatClonetroopersequipmentandbattletanks.Withover1,000incredibleshotsplusexclusivematerial,"StarWarsCompleteVisualDictionary"transportsyourightinsidethemovies.SeetheoriginalR2D2,studythefearsomeDroidekas(watchoutfortheirlasers!)andventureinsidetheGreatPitofCarkoon,ifyoudare.TheonlyguidetoeverypartoftheStarWarsuniverse.Ifyoulove"StarWars",you'lllove"StarWarsCompleteVisualDictionary".Maytheforcebewithyou.
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