Flannery O'Connor:Collected Works: Wise Blood / A Good Man Is Hard to Find / The Violent Bear It Away / Everything that Rises Must Converge / Essays & Letters (Library of America)

Flannery O'Connor:Collected Works: Wise Blood / A Good Man Is Hard to Find / The Violent Bear It Away / Everything that Rises Must Converge / Essays & Letters (Library of America)
作者: (弗兰纳里•奥康纳) ,
出版社: Library of America
版次: 1
ISBN: 9780940450370
定价: 295.80
装帧: 精装
开本: 其他
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 1300页
正文语种: 英语
  • ThelibraryofAmericaisdedicatedtopublishingAmerica'sbestandmostsignificantwritinginhandsome,enduringvolumes,featuringauthoritativetexts.Hailedasthe"finest-looking,longest-lastingeditionsevermade"(TheNewRepublic),LibraryofAmericavolumesmakeafinegiftforanyoccasion.Now,withexactlyonehundredvolumestochoosefrom,thereisaperfectgiftforeveryone.FlanneryO'Connor,auniqueandimportantfigureintheSouthernliterarytradition,wasoneofthefinestwritersofthetwentiethcentury.Thisvolume,containinghertwonovels,shortstories,essaysandletters,istheonlycompletecollectionofherworks. FlanneryO’ConnorwasborninSavannah,Georgia,onMarch25,1925,andwasraisedasadevoutRomanCatholicinMilledgeville,Georgia.UpongraduationfromtheGraduateProgramoftheWomen’sCollegeofGeorgia,O’ConnorattendedthewritingprogramattheStateUniversityofIowa,receivingherMFAin1947.AmongthestrongestinfluencesonO’Connor’sworkwerethewritingsofWilliamFaulknerandNathanaelWest,fromwhomshederivedherconceptionofthegrotesqueinliterature.Followingthepublicationofnumerousshortstoriesinliteraryjournals,O’Connor’sfirstnovel,WiseBlood,waspublishedin1952.Sufferingfromahereditaryrheumaticailment,shespentthenexttwelveyearswritingatthefamilyfarminMilledgevilleunderthecareofhermother,Regina,andthestrictestmedicalsupervision.AGoodManisHardtoFind,acollectionofshortstories,waspublishedin1955,andanothernovel,TheViolentBearItAway,appearedin1960.Thoughseriouslyill,O’Connormadeanextensiveseriesoflecturetours,receivedanhonorarydegreefromSmithCollegein1963,andthatsameyear,wonfirstprizeintheannualO’Henryshortstoryawards(asshehadpreviouslydonein1956).AfterherdeathonAugust3,1964,anothercollectionofshortstories,EverythingThatRisesMustConverge,waspublished(1965),aswellasavolumeofunpublishedlecturesandessaysandvariouscriticalarticles,MysteryandManners(1969).

      弗兰纳里·奥康纳(Mary Flannery O'Connor ) (1925.3.25 – 1964.8.3),美国小说家、短篇小说作家和评论家,美国文学的重要代言人。奥康纳共著有两部长篇小说、32篇短片小说以及大量的书评和影评。奥康纳是个南方作家,她的作品具有南方哥特式风格,并十分依仗区域背景和怪诞字符。奥康纳的作品也反应了她的罗马天主教信仰,并经常审视有关道德和伦理方面的问题。奥康纳的《短篇小说全集》(Complete Stories)在她去世之后的1972年获得了美国国家图书奖,被网络读者誉为“史上最好的美国国家图书奖之一”。
    长篇小说《智血》(Wise Blood)长篇小说《暴力夺取》(The Violent Bear It Away)短篇小说集《好人难寻》(A Good Man Is Hard to Find, 1955 )短篇小说集《上升的一切必将汇合》(Everything That Rises Must Converge, 1965 )书信集《生存的习惯》(The Habit Of Being)
  • 内容简介:
  • 作者简介:

      弗兰纳里·奥康纳(Mary Flannery O'Connor ) (1925.3.25 – 1964.8.3),美国小说家、短篇小说作家和评论家,美国文学的重要代言人。奥康纳共著有两部长篇小说、32篇短片小说以及大量的书评和影评。奥康纳是个南方作家,她的作品具有南方哥特式风格,并十分依仗区域背景和怪诞字符。奥康纳的作品也反应了她的罗马天主教信仰,并经常审视有关道德和伦理方面的问题。奥康纳的《短篇小说全集》(Complete Stories)在她去世之后的1972年获得了美国国家图书奖,被网络读者誉为“史上最好的美国国家图书奖之一”。
    长篇小说《智血》(Wise Blood)长篇小说《暴力夺取》(The Violent Bear It Away)短篇小说集《好人难寻》(A Good Man Is Hard to Find, 1955 )短篇小说集《上升的一切必将汇合》(Everything That Rises Must Converge, 1965 )书信集《生存的习惯》(The Habit Of Being)
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