The King's Speech: Based on the Recently Discovered Diaries of Lionel Logue国王的演讲

The King's Speech: Based on the Recently Discovered Diaries of Lionel Logue国王的演讲
作者: ,
出版社: Quercus
ISBN: 9780857381118
定价: 133.30
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 352页
正文语种: 英语
  • OneManSavedTheBritishRoyalFamilyInTheFirstDecadesOfThe20ThCentury-AmazinglyHeWasAnAlmostUnknown,AndCertainlyUnqualified,SpeechTherapistCalledLionelLogue,WhomOneNewspaperInThe1930SFamouslyDubbed'TheQuackWhoSavedAKing'.LogueWasn'TABritishAristocratOrEvenAnEnglishman-HeWasACommonerAndAnAustralianToBoot.NeverthelessItWasTheOutgoing,AmiableLogueWhoSingle-HandedlyTurnedTheFamouslyNervous,Tongue-Tied,DukeOfYorkIntoTheManWhoWasCapableOfBecomingKing.HadLogueNotSavedBertie(AsTheManWhoWasToBecomeKingGeorgeViWasAlwaysKnown)FromHisDebilitatingStammer,AndPathologicalNervousnessInFrontOfACrowdOrMicrophone,ThenItIsAlmostCertainThatTheHouseOfWindsorWouldHaveCollapsed.TheKing'SSpeechIsThePreviouslyUntoldStoryOfTheExtraordinaryRelationshipBetweenLogueAndTheHauntedYoungManWhoBecameKingGeorgeVi,DrawnFromLogue'SUnpublishedPersonalDiaries.TheyThrowExtraordinaryLightOnTheIntimacyOfTheTwoMen-AndTheVitalRoleTheKing'SWife,TheLateQueenElizabeth,TheQueenMother,PlayedInBringingThemTogetherToSaveHerHusband'SReputationAndHisCareerAsKing.TheKing'SSpeechIsAnIntimatePortraitOfTheBritishMonarchyAtATimeOfItsGreatestCrisis,SeenThroughTheEyesOfAnAustralianCommonerWhoWasProudToServe,AndSave,HisKing. Mark Logue is the grandson of Lionel Logue. He is a film maker and the custodian of the Logue Archive. He lives in London. Peter Conradi is an author and journalist. He works for the Sunday Times and his last book was Hitler's Piano Player: The Rise and Fall of Ernst Hanfstaengl.
  • 内容简介:
  • 作者简介:
    Mark Logue is the grandson of Lionel Logue. He is a film maker and the custodian of the Logue Archive. He lives in London. Peter Conradi is an author and journalist. He works for the Sunday Times and his last book was Hitler's Piano Player: The Rise and Fall of Ernst Hanfstaengl.
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