The Adventures and Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 福尔摩斯探案集和回忆录

The Adventures and Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 福尔摩斯探案集和回忆录
作者: (阿瑟·柯南·道尔)
出版社: Vintage Classics
版次: 1
ISBN: 9780099529675
定价: 64.80
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 496页
正文语种: 英语
  • AbouttheAuthorSirArthurConanDoylewasborninEdinburghofIrishancestry,andcamefromanartisticfamily,withafatherwhowasapainterandagrandfatherwhowasacartoonist.LikeDr.Watson,whonarratesalmostalloftheroughlysixtystoriesfeaturingSherlockHolmes,Doylewasaphysician.AtmedicalschoolhestudiedunderDr.JosephBellwhowasrenownedforhispowersofforensicobservation.AftermedicalschoolDoyletooktwovoyagesasaship’ssurgeonwherehemetpeoplefromeverypartoftheBritishEmpirewhichgavehimvaluableinsightforhisstories.Laterinhislifehebecameveryinterestedinspiritualismandpolitics,topicsthatsurfacedinhislaterworks.InfactitwasforTheGreatBoerWar(1902)justifyingBritishcolonialpolicy,thatDoylewasknighted.NotetoAdobeeBookCustomers:TheAdobeAcrobateBookReaderversionisprintable,butthereisaknownproblemprintingtoprintersthatdonotusethePostScriptpagedescriptionlanguage.ThisproblemoccurswithsomeHPLaserJet,EpsonStylusinkjet,andEpsonimpactprinters.Consultyourprinter’sdocumentationtofindoutifitisPostScriptcompatible.Thisdoesnotaffectyourabilitytoreadthebookonscreen. SirArthurConanDoyle(1859-1930)wasborninEdinburghandstudiedmedicineattheuniversitythere,afteraneducationinJesuitschoolsinLancashireandAustria.Hehadanactivecareerasadoctorandopthalmologist,includingvolunteeringinBloemfonteinduringtheBoerWar,butalsointhepublicsphereasDeputy-LieutenantofSurrey,writerofthewidelyreadhistoricalworksandpoliticalpamphlets,vociferousopponentofmiscarriagesofjusticeandtwiceparliamentarycandidate(althoughhewasneverelected).Yetitwasforhisbrilliantcreationofthefirstscientificdetective,SherlockHolmes,thatheachievedgreatfame-sogreatthatafterhekilledSherlockofftoconcentratemoreonhishistoricalwork,hewasforcedtobringthecharacterbacktolifeinTheHoundoftheBaskervilles.Inlateryears,theJesuit-educatedConanDoyleconvertedtoSpiritualism,writingworkssuchasTheComingoftheFairies,andwasafriendofthemagicianHoudini.Hediedofaheartattackin1930,attheageofseventy-one.

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