Men at Arms: A Novel of Discworld

Men at Arms: A Novel of Discworld
出版社: HarperCollins
版次: 15
ISBN: 9780062237408
定价: 93.30
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 432页
正文语种: 英语
丛书: Discworld
  • CorporalCarrothasbeenpromoted!He’snowinchargeofthenewrecruitsguardingAnkh-Morpork,Discworld’sgreatestcity,fromBarbarianTribes,MiscellaneousMarauders,unlicensedThieves,andsuch.It’sabigjob,particularlyforanadopteddwarf.Butanevenbiggerjobawaits.AnancientdocumenthasjustrevealedthatAnkh-Morpork,ruledfordecadesbyDisorganizedcrime,hasasecretsovereign!AndhisnameisCarrot...Andsobeginsthemostawesomeepicencounterofalltime,oratleastallafternoon,inwhichthefateofacity—indeedoftheuniverseitself!—dependsonayoungman’scourage,anancientsword’smagic,andathree-leggedpoodle’sbladder. TerryPratchettisoneofthemostpopularlivingauthorsintheworld.Hisfirstshortstory,“TheHadesBusiness,”waspublishedwhenhewasthirteen(inhisschoolmagazine),andcommerciallywhenhewasfifteen;hisfirstfull-lengthbook,TheCarpetPeople,waspublishedwhenhewastwenty-three.Heworkedasajournalistandapressofficer,andcontinuedtowriteandpublishnovels,untilitgottothepointthatthesuccessofhisbooksmeantthatitwascostinghimmoneytogotowork.Pratchett’sacclaimednovelsarebestsellersintheU.S.andtheUnitedKingdom,andhavesoldmorethanseventy-fivemillioncopiesworldwide.InJanuary2009hewasmadeaknightbyQueenElizabethIIinrecognitionofhis“servicestoliterature.”HelivesinEngland,wherehewritesallthet
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