Disparities in Psychiatric Care: Clinical and Cross-Cultural Perspectives[精神科管理中的差距]

Disparities in Psychiatric Care: Clinical and Cross-Cultural Perspectives[精神科管理中的差距]
作者: ,
版次: 1
ISBN: 9780781796392
定价: 1000.10
装帧: 精装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 368页
正文语种: 英语
  • Thisbookoffersevidence-basedclinicalapproachesforunderstandingdisparitiesintheprovisionofmental-healthservicesintheU.S.andotherindustrializednations.Chaptersaddresstheavailabilityandbarrierstocareamongvariousethnicpopulationsandtherolesoftheircultures,languages,andreligionsastheyaffectdiagnosticandtreatmentapproaches.Issuesrelatedtospecialpopulationssuchasmigrants,refugees,incarceratedindividuals,andthehomelessarediscussed.Thebookalsoaddressesissuesrelatedtogender,sexualorientation,andage.Briefsectionsontraining,education,andpolicywilllaythefoundationforassessingevidence-basedapproachesandoutcomesinthesediversepopulations.
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