石破天惊:敦煌的发现与20世纪中国美术史观的变化和美术语言的发展专题展:The discovery of Chinas Dunhuang caves and its influence on the value of Chinese history of art and the development of Chinese art in the 20th century

石破天惊:敦煌的发现与20世纪中国美术史观的变化和美术语言的发展专题展:The discovery of Chinas Dunhuang caves and its influence on the value of Chinese history of art and the development of Chinese art in the 20th century
作者: , 主编
ISBN: 7806747214 或 9787806747216
定价: 190.00
开本: 29cm
页数: 179页
正文语种: 简体中文
分类: 历史
  • 本书展出的,既有珍贵的敦煌写经原件,又有令人叹为观止的敦煌壁画摹本,以及敦煌最早的一些现代朝拜者形象具体的心得体验。
  • 内容简介:
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石破天惊:敦煌的发现与20世纪中国美术史观的变化和美术语言的发展专题展:The discovery of Chinas Dunhuang caves and its influence on the value of Chinese history of art and the development of Chinese art in the 20th century
关山月 著;黄苗子、刘未鸣、韩淑芳 编
石破天惊:敦煌的发现与20世纪中国美术史观的变化和美术语言的发展专题展:The discovery of Chinas Dunhuang caves and its influence on the value of Chinese history of art and the development of Chinese art in the 20th century
在路上,2015 中国青年批评家论坛文集
关山月美术馆、中国美术家协会策展委员会 编
石破天惊:敦煌的发现与20世纪中国美术史观的变化和美术语言的发展专题展:The discovery of Chinas Dunhuang caves and its influence on the value of Chinese history of art and the development of Chinese art in the 20th century
关山月美术馆 编
石破天惊:敦煌的发现与20世纪中国美术史观的变化和美术语言的发展专题展:The discovery of Chinas Dunhuang caves and its influence on the value of Chinese history of art and the development of Chinese art in the 20th century
关山月美术馆 编
石破天惊:敦煌的发现与20世纪中国美术史观的变化和美术语言的发展专题展:The discovery of Chinas Dunhuang caves and its influence on the value of Chinese history of art and the development of Chinese art in the 20th century
石破天惊:敦煌的发现与20世纪中国美术史观的变化和美术语言的发展专题展:The discovery of Chinas Dunhuang caves and its influence on the value of Chinese history of art and the development of Chinese art in the 20th century
关山月美术馆 编
石破天惊:敦煌的发现与20世纪中国美术史观的变化和美术语言的发展专题展:The discovery of Chinas Dunhuang caves and its influence on the value of Chinese history of art and the development of Chinese art in the 20th century
关山月美术馆 编
石破天惊:敦煌的发现与20世纪中国美术史观的变化和美术语言的发展专题展:The discovery of Chinas Dunhuang caves and its influence on the value of Chinese history of art and the development of Chinese art in the 20th century
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石破天惊:敦煌的发现与20世纪中国美术史观的变化和美术语言的发展专题展:The discovery of Chinas Dunhuang caves and its influence on the value of Chinese history of art and the development of Chinese art in the 20th century
关山月美术馆 编
石破天惊:敦煌的发现与20世纪中国美术史观的变化和美术语言的发展专题展:The discovery of Chinas Dunhuang caves and its influence on the value of Chinese history of art and the development of Chinese art in the 20th century
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石破天惊:敦煌的发现与20世纪中国美术史观的变化和美术语言的发展专题展:The discovery of Chinas Dunhuang caves and its influence on the value of Chinese history of art and the development of Chinese art in the 20th century
关山月 绘
石破天惊:敦煌的发现与20世纪中国美术史观的变化和美术语言的发展专题展:The discovery of Chinas Dunhuang caves and its influence on the value of Chinese history of art and the development of Chinese art in the 20th century
关山月 绘