Written in My Own Heart's Blood A Novel

Written in My Own Heart's Blood  A Novel
ISBN: 9780553841138
定价: 134.40
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 848页
正文语种: 英语
丛书: Outlander
  • InhernowclassicnovelOutlander,DianaGabaldontoldthestoryofClaireRandall,anEnglishex-combatnursewhowalksthroughastonecircleintheScottishHighlandsin1946,anddisappears...into1743.Thestoryunfoldedfromthereinsevenbestsellingnovels,andCNNhascalledit“agrandadventurewrittenonacanvasthatprobestheheart,weighsthesoulandmeasuresthehumanspiritacross[centuries].”NowthestorycontinuesinWritteninMyOwnHeart’sBlood.




    FromtheHardcoveredition., DianaGabaldonisthe#1NewYorkTimesbestsellingauthorofthewildlypopularOutlandernovels—Outlander,DragonflyinAmber,Voyager,DrumsofAutumn,TheFieryCross,ABreathofSnowandAshes(forwhichshewonaQuillAwardandtheCorineInternationalBookPrize),AnEchointheBone,andWritteninMyOwnHeart’sBlood—aswellastherelatedLordJohnGreybooksLordJohnandthePrivateMatter,LordJohnandtheBrotherhoodoftheBlade,LordJohnandtheHandofDevils,andTheScottishPrisoner;oneworkofnonfiction,TheOutlandishCompanion;andtheOutlandergraphicnovelTheExile.ShelivesinScottsdale,Arizona,withherhusband.,
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系列丛书 / 更多
Written in My Own Heart's Blood  A Novel
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