There's a Hair in My Dirt!

There's a Hair in My Dirt!
出版社: HarperCollins
ISBN: 9780060191047
定价: 148.90
装帧: 其他
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 64页
正文语种: 英语
  • Onceuponatime,inaplacefaraway,livedamannamedGaryLarsonwhousedtodrawcartoons.Itwasacartoonthatappearedformanyyearsindailynewspapersandwaslovedbymillions.(Andwasconfusingtomillionsmore.)Butonedayhestopped.YetGarywasrestless.Hecouldn'tsleepnights.Somethinghauntedhim.(BesidesGramps.)Somethingthatwouldreturnhimtohisrootsinbiology,drawinganddementia-atalecalledThere'saHairInMyDirt!AWorm'sStory.Itbeginsafewinchesunderground,whenayoungworm,duringatypicalfamilydinner,discoversthere'sahairinhisplateofdirt.Hebecomesratherupset,notjustabouthistaintedmealbutabouthisentiremiserable,wormylife.This,inturn,spurshisfathertotellhimastory-astorytoinspirethechildrenofinvertebrateseverywhere.AndsoFatherWormdescribesthesagaofafairyoungmaidenandheradventuresomestrollthroughherfavoriteforest,aperambulator'sparadise.ItisaJourneyfilledwithmysteryandmagic.Orsoshethinks.Whichisallwe'llsayfornow.Writtenandillustratedinachildren'sstorybookstyle,There'saHairinMyDirt!AWorm'sStoryisatwistedtakeonthedifferencebetweenouridealizedviewofNatureandthesometimescold,hardrealityoflifeforthebirdsandthebeesandtheworms(nottomentionourownspecies).
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