Carry Me Home: Birmingham, Alabama: The Climactic Battle of the Civil Rights Revolution

Carry Me Home: Birmingham, Alabama: The Climactic Battle of the Civil Rights Revolution
出版社: Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 9781476709512
定价: 186.70
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 704页
正文语种: 英语
  • Nowwithanewafterword,thePulitzerPrize-winningdramaticaccountofthecivilrightsera'sclimacticbattleinBirminghamasthemovement,ledbyMartinLutherKing,Jr,broughtdowntheinstitutionsofsegregation"TheYearofBirmingham,"1963,wasacataclysmicturningpointinAmerica'slongcivilrightsstruggleChilddemonstratorsfaceddownpolicedogsandfirehosesinhugenonviolentmarchesagainstsegregationKuKluxKlansmenretaliatedbybombingtheSixteenthStreetBaptistChurch,killingfouryoungblackgirlsDianeMcWhorter,daughterofaprominentBirminghamfamily,weavestogetherpoliceandFBIrecords,archivaldocuments,interviewswithblackactivistsandKlansmen,andpersonalmemoriesintoanextraordinarynarrativeofthepersonalitiesandeventsthatbroughtaboutAmerica'ssecondemancipationInanewafterword--reportinglastencounterswithheroReverendFredShuttlesworthanddescribingthecurrentdrasticanti-immigrationlawsinAlabama--theauthordemonstratesthatAlabamaremainsacivilrightscrucible Diane McWhorter is a long-time contributor to The New York Times and the op-ed page of USA TODAY, among other national publications. Her young adult history of the civil rights movement is A Dream of Freedom. She is originally from Birmingham, Alabama, and now lives in New York City.,
  • 内容简介:
  • 作者简介:
    Diane McWhorter is a long-time contributor to The New York Times and the op-ed page of USA TODAY, among other national publications. Her young adult history of the civil rights movement is A Dream of Freedom. She is originally from Birmingham, Alabama, and now lives in New York City.,
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