Down to the Sea: An Epic Story of Naval Disaster and Heroism in World War II

Down to the Sea: An Epic Story of Naval Disaster and Heroism in World War II
出版社: HarperCollins US
版次: 1
ISBN: 9780061173165
定价: 226.60
装帧: 精装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 384页
正文语种: 英语
  • ThisepicstoryopensatthehourtheGreatestGenerationwenttowaronDecember7,1941,andfollowsfourU.S.NavyshipsandtheircrewsinthePacificuntiltheirdayofreckoningthreeyearslaterwithafardifferentenemy:adeadlytyphoon.InDecember1944,whilesupportingGeneralMacArthur'sinvasionofthePhilippines,AdmiralWilliam"Bull"HalseyneglectedtheLawofStorms--theunofficialbibleofallseamensincethedaysofsail--placingthemightyU.S.ThirdFleetinharm'sway.Oneofthemostpowerfulfightingfleetseverassembledunderanyflag,theThirdFleetsaileddirectlyintothelargeststormtheU.S.Navyhadeverencountered--amaelstromof90-footseasand160-mphwinds.MoremenwerelostandshipssunkanddamagedthaninmostcombatengagementsinthePacific.Thefinaltoll:3shipssunk,28shipsdamaged,146aircraftdestroyed,and756menlostatsea.Inall,92survivorsfromthethreesunkenships(eachcarryingacrewofabout300)wererescued,someafterspendingupto80hoursinthewater.Scoresmorehadmadeitofftheirsinkingshipsonlytoperishinthemonstrousseas;somefrominjuriesandexhaustion,otherssnatchedawaybycirclingsharksbeforetheirhorrifiedshipmates.Inthefar-flungrescueoperationsBruceHendersonfindssomeofthestory'struestheroes,exhibitingselflessness,courage,andevendefiance.Onebadlydamagedship,whoseNavalReserveskipperdisobeyedanadmiral'sorderstoabandonthesearch,single-handedlysaved55lives.Drawingonextensiveinterviewswithnearlyeverylivingsurvivorandrescuer,manyfamiliesoflostsailors,transcriptsandotherrecordsfromtwonavalcourtsofinquiry,ships'logsandactionreports,personalletters,anddiaries,BruceHendersonoffersthemostthoroughandrivetingaccounttodateofoneofthegreatestnavaldramasofWorldWarII. BruceHendersonistheauthororcoauthorofmorethantwentynonfictionbooks,includingthe#1NewYorkTimesbestsellerAndtheSeaWillTell(withVincentBugliosi)andDowntotheSea.Aformernewspaperandmagazinewriter,Hendersonhastaughtnonfictionwritingatseveralmajoruniversities.HelivesinMenloPark,California.
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