The Sum of Our Days: A Memoir (P.S.)

The Sum of Our Days: A Memoir (P.S.)
出版社: HarperCollins US
ISBN: 9780061551840
定价: 126.00
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 336页
正文语种: 英语
丛书: P.S.
  • InTheSumofOurDays,internationallyacclaimedauthorIsabelAllendereconstructsthepainfulrealityofherownlifeinthewakeofthetragicdeathofherdaughter,Paula.Narratedwithwarmth,humor,exceptionalcandor,andwisdom,thisremarkablememoirisasexuberantandfulloflifeasitscreator.Allendebareshersoulasshesharesherthoughtsonlove,marriage,motherhood,spiritualityandreligion,infidelity,addiction,andmemory—andrecountsstoriesofthewildlyeccentric,strong-minded,andeclectictribeshegathersaroundherandlovinglyembracesasanewkindoffamily. IsabelAllendeistheauthorofninenovels,translatedintomorethantwenty-sevenlanguages,includingtheNewYorkTimesbestsellersInésofMySoul,PortraitinSepia,andDaughterofFortune.In2004shewasinductedintotheAmericanAcademyofArtsandLetters.BorninPeruandraisedinChile,shelivesinCalifornia.NacidaenPerúycriadaenChile,IsabelAllendeeslaautoradenuevenovelasincluyendomásrecientementeZorro,RetratoenSepia,HijadelaFortunaeInésdelAlmaMía.Tambiénhaescritocuentoscortos,treslibrosautobiográficosincluyendoMiPaísInventadoyPaula,yunatrilogíadelibrosparajóvenes.Suslibroshansidotraducidosamásde27idiomasysonbestsellersatravésdelmundoentero.En2004,fuenombradaalaAcademiadeArtesyLetrasdelosEstadosUnidos.ViveenCalifornia.
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