How We Learn:The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens

How We Learn:The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens
出版社: Random House
ISBN: 9780812993882
定价: 201.80
装帧: 精装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 254页
正文语种: 英语
  • Inthetraditionof"ThePowerofHabit"and"Thinking,FastandSlow"comesapractical,playful,andendlesslyfascinatingguidetowhatwereallyknowaboutlearningandmemorytoday--andhowwecanapplyittoourownlives.Fromanearlyage,itisdrilledintoourheads:Restlessness,distraction,andignorancearetheenemiesofsuccess.We'retoldthatlearningisallself-discipline,thatwemustconfineourselvestodesignatedstudyareas,turnoffthemusic,andmaintainastrictritualifwewanttoacethattest,memorizethatpresentation,ornailthatpianorecital.Butwhatifalmosteverythingweweretoldaboutlearningiswrong?Andwhatiftherewasawaytoachievemorewithlesseffort?In"HowWeLearn,"award-winningsciencereporterBenedictCareysiftsthroughdecadesofeducationresearchandlandmarkstudiestouncoverthetruthabouthowourbrainsabsorbandretaininformation.Whathediscoversisthat,fromthemomentweareborn,wearealllearningquickly,efficiently,andautomatically;butinourzealtosystematizetheprocesswehaveignoredvaluable,naturallyenjoyablelearningtoolslikeforgetting,sleeping,anddaydreaming.Isadedicateddeskinaquietroomreallythebestwaytostudy?Canalteringyourroutineimproveyourrecall?Aretheretimeswhendistractionisgood?Isrepetitionnecessary?Carey'ssearchforanswerstothesequestionsyieldsawealthofstrategiesthatmakelearningmoreapartofoureverydaylives--andlessofachore.Byroadtestingmanyofthecounterintuitivetechniquesdescribedinthisbook,Careyshowshowwecanflextheneuralmusclesthatmakedeeplearningpossible.Alongthewayherevealswhyteachersshouldgivefinalexamsonthefirstdayofclass,whyit'swisetointerleavesubjectsandconceptswhenlearninganynewskill,andwhenit'ssmartertostayuplatepreppingforthatpresentationthantoriseearlyforonelastcramsession.Andifthisrequiressomesuspensionofdisbelief,that'sbecausetheresearchdefieswhatwe'vebeentold,throughoutourlives,abouthowbesttolearn.Thebrainisnotlikeamuscle,atleastnotinanystraightforwardsense.Itissomethingelsealtogether,sensitivetomood,totiming,tocircadianrhythms,aswellastolocationandenvironment.Itdoesn'ttakeorderswell,toputitmildly.Ifthebrainisalearningmachine,thenitisaneccentricone.In"HowWeLearn,"BenedictCareyshowsushowtoexploititsquirkstoouradvantage.Praisefor"HowWeLearn"""HowWeLearn"makesforawelcomerejoindertothefaddishnotionthatlearningisallaboutthehoursputin.Learners,[Benedict]Careyremindsus,arenotautomatons."--"TheNewYorkTimesBookReview""""Theinsightsof"HowWeLearn"applytofarmorethanjustacademicsituations.Anyonelookingtolearnamusicalinstrumentwouldbenefitfromunderstandingwhatfrequencyandtypeofpracticeismosteffective.EvenreaderswithlittlepracticaluseforCarey'sinformationwilllikelyfindmuchofitfascinating,suchashowintuitioncanbeateachableskill,orthatgivingpracticeexamsattheverybeginningofasemesterimprovesgrades."HowWeLearn"isavaluable,entertainingtoolforeducators,studentsandparents."--"ShelfAwareness""Thisbookisarevelation.IfeelasifI'veownedabrainforfifty-fouryearsandonlynowdiscoveredtheoperatingmanual."--MaryRoach,bestsellingauthorof"Stiff"and"Gulp" Benedict Carey is an award-winning science reporter who has been at The New York Times since 2004, and one of the newspaper’s most emailed reporters. He graduated from the University of Colorado with a bachelor’s degree in math and from Northwestern University with a master’s in journalism, and has written about health and science for twenty-five years. He lives in New York City.,,
  • 内容简介:
  • 作者简介:
    Benedict Carey is an award-winning science reporter who has been at The New York Times since 2004, and one of the newspaper’s most emailed reporters. He graduated from the University of Colorado with a bachelor’s degree in math and from Northwestern University with a master’s in journalism, and has written about health and science for twenty-five years. He lives in New York City.,,
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