The Best Mistake Ever! 进阶式阅读丛书:最好的错误

The Best Mistake Ever! 进阶式阅读丛书:最好的错误
作者: (理查德·斯凯瑞)
出版社: Random House US
版次: 1
ISBN: 9780394868165
定价: 29.80
装帧: 平装
开本: 16开
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 48页
正文语种: 英语
  • Illus.infullcolor.Inthisstorybook,ScarrypresentsthreehumoroustalesabouthappilyresolvedmisunderstandingsinthebusyworldofLowlyWormandHuckleCat. GenerationsofchildrenallovertheworldhavegrownupspendinghoursporingoverRICHARDSCARRY'soversizedbooksfilledwithallthedetailsoftheirlives.Nootherillustratorhasshownsuchinterestintheday-to-daywordsandconceptsofchildhood.ScarrywasraisedandeducatedinBoston.AfterfiveyearsofdrawingmapsanddesigninggraphicsfortheU.S.Army,hemovedtoNewYorktopursueacareerincommercialart.ButaftershowinghisportfoliotooneoftheoriginaleditorsatGoldenBooks,hefoundahomeforhimself.Intheextraordinarycareerthatfollowed,RichardScarryillustratedoveronehundredbooks,includingalmostthirtyLittleGoldenBooksandtenBigGoldenBooks,manyofwhichhaveneverbeenoutofprint.

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