West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915

West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
作者: 作者
出版社: HarperCollins
ISBN: 0064400816 或 9780064400817
定价: 68.00
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
页数: 192页
正文语种: 英语
丛书: Little House
  • "It is like a fairyland." So Laura Ingalls Wilder described her 1915 voyage to San Francisco to visit her daughter, Rose Wilder Lane. Laura's husband, Almanzo, was unable to leave their Missouri farm and it is her faithful letters home, vividly describing every detail of her journey, that have been gathered here. Includes 24 pages of exciting photographs and completely redesigned jacket art.  Children's Books of 1974 (Library of Congress) Laura Ingalls Wilder was born in 1867 in the log cabin described in Little House in the Big Woods. As her classic Little House books tell us, she and her family traveled by covered wagon across the Midwest. She and her husband, Almanzo Wilder, made their own covered-wagon trip with their daughter, Rose, to Mansfield, Missouri. There Laura wrote her story in the Little House books, and lived until she was ninety years old. For millions of readers, however, she lives forever as the little pioneer girl in the beloved Little House books.
  • 内容简介:
    "It is like a fairyland." So Laura Ingalls Wilder described her 1915 voyage to San Francisco to visit her daughter, Rose Wilder Lane. Laura's husband, Almanzo, was unable to leave their Missouri farm and it is her faithful letters home, vividly describing every detail of her journey, that have been gathered here. Includes 24 pages of exciting photographs and completely redesigned jacket art.  Children's Books of 1974 (Library of Congress)
  • 作者简介:
    Laura Ingalls Wilder was born in 1867 in the log cabin described in Little House in the Big Woods. As her classic Little House books tell us, she and her family traveled by covered wagon across the Midwest. She and her husband, Almanzo Wilder, made their own covered-wagon trip with their daughter, Rose, to Mansfield, Missouri. There Laura wrote her story in the Little House books, and lived until she was ninety years old. For millions of readers, however, she lives forever as the little pioneer girl in the beloved Little House books.
系列丛书 / 更多
West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
By the Shores of Silver Lake在银湖岸
Laura Ingalls Wilder(劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德) 著;Garth Williams(加思·威廉姆斯) 绘
West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
The Long Winter漫长的冬季
Laura Ingalls Wilder(劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德) 著;Garth Williams(加思·威廉姆斯) 绘
West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
By the Shores of Silver Lake在银湖岸
Laura Ingalls Wilder(劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德) 著;Garth Williams(加思·威廉姆斯) 绘
West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
Little Town on the Prairie[草原上的小镇]
Laura Ingalls Wilder(劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德) 著;Garth Williams(加思·威廉姆斯) 绘
West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
Little House on the Prairie草原上的小木屋 英文原版
Laura Ingalls Wilder(劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德) 著;Garth Williams(加思·威廉姆斯) 绘
West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
Farmer Boy农场男孩
Laura Ingalls Wilder(劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德) 著;Garth Williams(加思·威廉姆斯) 绘
West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
The Long Winter漫长的冬季
Laura Ingalls Wilder(劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德) 著;Garth Williams(加思·威廉姆斯) 绘
West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
Little Town on the Prairie
Laura Ingalls Wilder(劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德) 著;Garth Williams(加思·威廉姆斯) 绘
West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
The First Four Years最初四年
Laura Ingalls Wilder(劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德) 著;Garth Williams(加思·威廉姆斯) 绘
West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
On the Banks of Plum Creek在梅溪边
Laura Ingalls Wilder(劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德) 著;Garth Williams(加思·威廉姆斯) 绘
West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
The Little House Collection Box Set (Books 1-5)小木屋合集(1-5) 英文原版
Laura Ingalls Wilder(劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德) 著;Garth Williams(加思·威廉姆斯) 绘
West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
These Happy Golden Years流金岁月
Laura Ingalls Wilder(劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德) 著;Garth Williams(加思·威廉姆斯) 绘
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West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915
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