The Price of Blood: An Irish Novel of Suspense (Ed Loy PI)

The Price of Blood: An Irish Novel of Suspense (Ed Loy PI)
出版社: HarperCollins US
ISBN: 9780061763588
定价: 119.50
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 336页
正文语种: 英语
丛书: Ed Loy Novels
  • TheNewRevisedStandardVersionisthe"standard"translationusedbymainlineProtestantchurches,Orthodoxchurches,andbymanyCatholics.TheNRSVdebutedin1989andisownedbytheNationalCouncilofChurches,whichistheleadingforceforecumenicalcooperationamongChristiansintheUnitedStatesrepresentingthirty–fivedenominationswithforty–fivemillionmembersinmorethan100,000churchesacrossthecountry.TheyhavechosenHarperCollinstobetheexclusivelicensorofthetranslationfortheworld(nonexclusivelyintheUK).TheNewRevisedStandardVersionisrecognizedinscholarlycirclesasthemostaccuratetranslationintoEnglishoftheoriginalHebrewandGreektexts.Inthetraditionofitspredecessors,theKingJamesVersionandtheRevisedStandardVersion,theNRSVwasdesignedtobethe"standard"versionforEnglish–speakingpeopleacrossalldenominations,whichinmanywaysithasbecome.Noneofthenew,moresectariantranslationshaveapproacheditsstandardsofeleganceandaccuracy.Thisunique4"x81/4"settingcombinestheportabilityofacompactBiblewiththereadabilityofalargerBible.Italsoincludesaconcordanceindextohelppeoplefindkeypassages.ThiseditionalsoincludestheApocrypha,theJewishbooksrecognizedbytheCatholic,Orthodox,andsomeProtestantdenominations. AlexanderRoyhasbeendrivingininternationalroadralliessince2003.Hefinishedfirstinthe2006Gumball3000andsetanewspeedrecordfromNewYorktoLosAngeles,makingthenearly3,000-miledriveinastaggering32hoursand7minutes.Whenheisnotontheroad,helivesinNewYorkCity.
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