The Crooked Timber of Humanity:Chapters in the History of Ideas

The Crooked Timber of Humanity:Chapters in the History of Ideas
出版社: Random House
ISBN: 9780712606165
定价: 177.60
装帧: 平装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 288页
正文语种: 英语
  • SirIsaiahBerlinwasoneofthemostformidabledefendersofphilosophicalliberalismanddistinguishedpractitionersofthehistoryofideas.Renownedallovertheworldforhisanalysisofideologieswhichhaveinfluencedortransformedsociety,Berlindiscusses,intheseeightessays,themeaningandsignificanceofutopianism,culturalhistory,relativism,Fascism,romanticism,nationalism,andexplorestheconditionswhichhaveallowedtheseidealstoflourishandthosewhichhavethreatenedthem.Astaunchadvocateofpluralismduringacenturyinwhichtotalitariansandutopiansclaimedtitletotheone,singletruth,Berlinquestionsthenotionthattherecanbeonefinalanswertoorganizinghumansocietywhichwouldnotleadtobloodshed,coercion,anddeprivationofliberty.Inlinewithhispoliticalandphilosophicalpositions,theseessaysareboundtogetherbyafirmrejectionoftidyanswerstothegreatsocialandpoliticalproblemsofthetwentieth-centurywhichcontinuetoloomsolargelytoday. SirIsaiahBerlin,O.M.,wasborninRiga,Latvia,in1909.HecametoEnglandin1919andwaseducatedatStPaul'sSchoolandCorpusChristiCollege,Oxford.AtOxford,hewasaFellowofNewCollege(1938-50),ChicheleProfessorofSocialandPoliticalTheory(1957-67),firstPresidentofWolfsonCollege(1966-75),aFellowofAllSoulsCollege,andPresidentoftheBritishAcademyfrom1974-1978.HisbooksincludeAgainsttheCurrent:EssaysintheHistoryofIdeas(1997),TheSenseofReality:StudiesinIdeasandtheirHistory(1997),PersonalImpressions(1998),TheProperStudyofMankind:AnAnthologyofEssays(1998),ConceptsandCategories:PhilosophicalEssays(1999),TheRootsofRomanticism(2000),ThreeCriticsoftheEnlightenment:Vico,Hamann,Herder(2000),ThePowerofIdeas(2001),andFreedomanditsBetrayal:SixEnemiesofHumanLiberty(2002),allpublishedbyPimlico.HisachievementsasahistorianandexponentofideasearnedhimtheErasmus,Lippincott,andAgnelliPrizes,andhislifelongdefenceofcivillibertiesearnedhimtheJerusalemPrize.Hediedin1997.HenryHardy,aFellowofWolfsonCollege,Oxford,isoneofIsaiahBerlin'sLiteraryTrustees.HehaseditedseveralotherbooksbyBerlin,andiscurrentlypreparingaselectionofhislettersforpublication.
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