F. Scott Fitzgerald:Novels and Stories 1920-1922: This Side of Paradise / Flappers and Philosophers / The Beautiful and the Damned / Tales of the Jazz Age

F. Scott Fitzgerald:Novels and Stories 1920-1922: This Side of Paradise / Flappers and Philosophers / The Beautiful and the Damned / Tales of the Jazz Age
作者: (F·S·菲茨杰拉德) ,
出版社: Library of America
ISBN: 9781883011840
定价: 258.90
装帧: 精装
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 1075页
正文语种: 英语
  • Acompilationofthenovelist'swork,including"ThisSideofParadise,""TheBeautifulandDamned"andhisshortstoriesreflectsAmericansocietyduringthe1920sandportraysthearistocraticclassoftheera. F.ScottFitzgeraldwasoneofthemajorAmericanwritersofthetwentiethcentury--afigurewhoselifeandworksembodiedpowerfulmythsaboutournationaldreamsandaspirations.F.ScottFitzgeraldwasborninSt.Paul,Minnesota,in1896,attendedPrincetonUniversity,andpublishedhisfirstnovel,ThisSideofParadise,in1920.Heleftusonesuremasterpiece,TheGreatGatsby;anear-masterpiece,TenderIstheNight;andagatheringofstoriesandessaysthattogethercapturetheessenceoftheAmericanexperience.Hiswritingsareinsightfulandstylisticallybrilliant;todayheisadmiredbothasasocialchroniclerandaremarkablygiftedartist.

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系列丛书 / 更多
F. Scott Fitzgerald:Novels and Stories 1920-1922: This Side of Paradise / Flappers and Philosophers / The Beautiful and the Damned / Tales of the Jazz Age
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F. Scott Fitzgerald:Novels and Stories 1920-1922: This Side of Paradise / Flappers and Philosophers / The Beautiful and the Damned / Tales of the Jazz Age
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