Drop It, Rocket! (Step Into Reading, Step 1)

Drop It, Rocket! (Step Into Reading, Step 1)
版次: 1
ISBN: 9780385372541
定价: 29.80
装帧: 其他
开本: 其他
纸张: 其他
页数: 32页
正文语种: 英语
  • Rocket,thebeloveddogfromtheNewYorkTimesbestsellingpicturebooksHowRocketLearnedtoReadandRocketWritesaStory,isbackinaStep1leveledreader.Rocketisreadytofindnewwordsforhiswordtreewithhisteacher,thelittleyellowbird.Hefindsaleaf,ahat,andastar...butwhenhefindsaredboot,hedoesn’twanttoletgo.WhatwillmakeRocketdropit?

    Withpredictablepatterns,simplewords,lotsofrepetition,andbright,colorfulillustrations,thisStepintoReadingbookisperfectforchildrenwhoknowthealphabetandareeagertobeginreading. TadHillsistheauthorandillustratorofthehighlyacclaimedNewYorkTimesbestsellingpicturebooksHowRocketLearnedtoRead,RocketWritesaStory,Duck&Goose,andDuck,Duck,Goose.HisboardbooksincludetheALA-ALSCNotableChildren’sBookWhat’sUp,Duck?;Duck&Goose,GooseNeedsaHug;andRocket’sMightyWords.TadlivesinBrooklyn,NewYork,withhiswife,theirtwochildren,andarealdognamedRocket.,
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