Marriage and Morals

Marriage and Morals
作者: (伯特兰·罗素)
出版社: Routledge
版次: 1
ISBN: 9780415482882
定价: 177.60
装帧: 平装
开本: 32开
纸张: 胶版纸
页数: 202页
正文语种: 英语
丛书: Routledge
  • Controversialandremarkablyforwardthinking,thisbookexploresthechangingroleofmarriageandcodesofsexualethics,anddaringlysetsoutanewmoralityshapedbythedramaticsocietalchangeswhichtookplaceintheearlypartsoftwentiethcentury. BertrandRussell(1872-1970)wasborninEnglandandeducatedatTrinityCollege,Cambridge.Hislongcareerestablishedhimasoneofthemostinfluentialphilosophers,mathematicians,andsocialreformersofthetwentiethcentury.--ThistextreferstoanalternatePaperbackedition. 1 Introduction

    2  Matrilineal Societies

    3  Patriarchal Systems

    4  Phallic Worship,Asceticism and Sin

    5  Christian Ethics

    6  ROmantic LOve

    7  The Liberatjon of Women

    8  The Taboo On Sex Knowfedge

    9  The Place of Love in Human Life

    10  Marriage

    11  Prostitution

    12  TriaI Marriage

    13  The Family at the Present Day  

    14  The Family in Individual Psychology

    15  The Family and the State   

    16  Divorce   

    17  PopuIation

    18  Eugenics  

    19  Sex and Individual Well-being

    20  The Place of Sex among Human Values

    21  Conclusion
  • 内容简介:
  • 作者简介:
  • 目录:
    1 Introduction

    2  Matrilineal Societies

    3  Patriarchal Systems

    4  Phallic Worship,Asceticism and Sin

    5  Christian Ethics

    6  ROmantic LOve

    7  The Liberatjon of Women

    8  The Taboo On Sex Knowfedge

    9  The Place of Love in Human Life

    10  Marriage

    11  Prostitution

    12  TriaI Marriage

    13  The Family at the Present Day  

    14  The Family in Individual Psychology

    15  The Family and the State   

    16  Divorce   

    17  PopuIation

    18  Eugenics  

    19  Sex and Individual Well-being

    20  The Place of Sex among Human Values

    21  Conclusion
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